This is an old love letter in a post to a woman who’s name I’d rather forget. We both were members of an online motorcycle forum and I posted it there for her to see along with about 100,000 other people. Hell I actually met her on that forum but that story is too long to tell now.
This reminds me where I once was. The Romantic was running wild. I had re-discovered women after my marriage of 36 years had, you guessed it, crashed and burned but in spectacular style.
I’m cleaning out old images so stories may be random, I’m in the old girlfriend drawer now. I find this cathartic. I’ll spoil the ending, everyone crashes and burns – I’m seeing a pattern here…
May 5th, 2011
I just returned from a ride through the Navajo Nation
Reservation Dogs
I have loved Reservation dogs since I first stumbled upon them. I find them to be a mixed group of short, fat, tall and thin but the Pack is always present within each.
It was one of those perfect days Brothers. A mix of Sand, Sun and Scent all in harmony. I was being pulled along in a current of black asphalt and wind. I was where I should be. I was having a Rat Day.
I rode sand into Shonto
I rode and thought of a Woman…
I was Happy to the point of exploding and thought I ran a real potential of becoming a big pile of steaming happy guts on the side of the road. I had to find some way to share this bliss. I was riding through the Navajo Nation for most of the day with high blue skies and wisps of clouds. Dusty hues of an Artist’s palette, Red and White sandstone towers staked out my path. For hours I rode the East then South then West flank of Navajo Mountain, a purple pyramid to the Universe, it was the center of my Universe.
Reservation Dogs would be the benefactors of my Thoughts of Her. I declared it “Free Hot Dog day” for every dog I could find. There would be many. I was buying the dogs dog’s 2 for $1.79. I invested $20 bucks in the project. Do the math but there were a shitload of round bellied dogs wandering Shonto
As I gathered with these packs I told them of Her. I told them the only thing they owed me was to howl at the Moon for this Woman and I.
They said they would.
Dogs Never Lie
So Dear Brothers if you should ride the canyons and tablelands of the Navajo Nation and hear dogs howl think of Rat and his Woman…

© 2011 – 2020, Michael Fulcher. All rights reserved.